Thumbs up to BIF for organizing this awesome event, where sport once again proves its power and ability to unite people. In this case, it was obviously the wonderful game of football. The no 1 sport worldwide is a great tool to bring people together and to be in unity for a moment, especially in these times of division around the world.

I think that bringing influential players and people from places or countries that are in conflict with each other into a game of football is a very strong message to everybody. Despite the fact that it’s a unique and special coming together, it’s always nice seeing old mates and meeting new people. The coming together of BIF Allstars and Ajax Legends was one of those special games. We enjoyed ourselves and had a good laugh bringing back memories of our football careers. It’s often the little things that make a big difference. Hopefully, the message of unity had its impact to unite one to another. I’m thankful for being part of it. Remember, love your neighbor like you love yourself. It’s all about love ❤️

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